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Here are more lamps.  They are numbers 19 - 36.



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This lamp is a lot of fun.  It is tall and narrow, but has a lot to it.  There are a couple of gauges, a long (about 7") tubular t10 bulb and a Allen-Bradley switch.  This is made from metal conduit and has a old pulley for the base.

6"L x 6"D x 25"H


This lamp has sold.

This short, squatty lamp has an explosion proof fixture (awesome, but not necessary!), two gauges, a working volt meter and switch.  This is one of the few lamps that uses galvanized pipe.  The base is old pallet and fence wood.

12"L x 8"D x 23"H



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I have to be honest about this lamp.  In spite of what its number implies, this was one of the first ones I did and I was not thrilled with it at all.  I was actually mortified when I saw it again.  Let's just say that I have come a long way in the past several years!  I did a major overhaul of it and I really like this lamp now as it still has the classic look I like.  It has three gauges and a single switch and light.  It is made with black pipe and the base is old pallet and fence wood.  

10"L x 9"D x 20"H



This lamp has sold.

This lamp starts with the joystick which controls the light on the top (down) and the nightlight indicator light (up), separately.  Very easy to use and both lights do a nice job serving their purpose.  There are two small gauges that are incorporated in the junction boxes.  The body is made from 1/2"conduit and the base is old pallet wood.  I like the tall and narrow look of this lamp.

9"L x 10"D x 28"H


$325 - This lamp is available for purchase at Skeleton Key Art and Antiques, Rock Island, IL.

This is another lamp that has a lot going on in just a small space (small being relative).  The switch is really awesome and the gauges are totally different and work great together.  It is made from black pipe and the base is old pallet and fence wood.

13"L x 8"D x 30"H




The two square gauges on this one are a lot of fun, along with the large circular one at the top.  The switch controls both lights and it is made from black pipe.  The base is made from old pallet and fence wood.

12"L x 12"D x 25"H


$390 - This lamp is available for purchase at Skeleton Key Art and Antiques, Rock Island, IL.

When this lamp was originally constructed, it had a completely different look that I was totally unhappy with.  So, I wound up redoing it and it became lamp #63, which I was ecstatic about (so was someone else, because they bought!  I hope they love it!).  I forgot about the original ID tag when I finished, so it didn't stay #25, but became #63.  I made an entirely different lamp this time and I am just as happy with this one as I am with #63!  The control box in the middle is an old meter that I wired to run the meter on top (runs on a dimmer that measures the voltage coming in) and turns the night light and main light on.  There is a metal grating that surrounds the meter, giving it an even cooler steampunk look.  There are three older gauges and the rest is made from black pipe.  The base is recycled pallet wood.  It took a while to get here, but it was worth the wait.

25 rev_edited.jpg

14"L x 10"D x 25"H



This lamp has sold.

If you live in an area with high winds, this is your lamp.  It weighs in at just under 29 pounds (you read that correctly).  The double base is unique to this lamp and I really like the switch this uses.  This lamp is just a little "weird" and I really enjoy it.  There are two gauges and a single light.  It is made from black pipe.

8"L x 8"D x 25"H



Another lamp with a lot going on.  Aside form the two small gauges, this has two switches that control one of the lights.  There is an LED indicator for each switch.  This is made from metal conduit and the base is old pallet and fence wood.

13"L x 10"D x 27"H



This lamp has sold.

I really enjoy the overall look of this lamp.  Hey, look, another (unnecessary but) fun explosion proof light.   The three gauges are really cool and a single switch with LED controls the lamp.  I really like the combination of the woods in the base and the machine plate finishes this off nicely.  It is made from black pipe.

18"L x 14"D x 28"H


This lamp has sold.

There is a lot going on with this one even though it is pretty small.  I was able to incorporate two full-size lights that work independently using the two switches on the meter.  This has black piping and the  base is a piece of slate wrapped in reclaimed wood. 

7"L x 7"D x 21"H



$205 - This lamp is available for purchase at Skeleton Key Art and Antiques, Rock Island, IL.

This is the shortest/smallest one I have right now.  Don't let its diminutive size fool you, it is a really nice lamp.  It has a vintage meter with a single light.  It is made with black pipe.  Note:  This lamp has been updated due to damage to the old shade.  It now has an old railroad insulator as the shade.  Actually, I like this look even more and it is certainly stronger!  Another note:  I didn't like the bulb sticking out the bottom of the insulator, so I changed the socket inside.  I think the change is an upgrade!

4"L x 4"D x 15"H


This lamp has sold.

This lamp has a ton going on with it.  Aside from the four small gauges connected to the regulators and the two switches, the oiler on the right acts as a night light!  The other switch controls the light at the top.  The body is galvanized pipe while the base is black diamond plate wrapped in aluminum.  This is one of my favorites.

11"L x 7"D x 25"H




This lamp has sold.

Here is another explosion proof light (still, not necessary!) with two really neat gauges.  The switch is a standard light switch, but the switch plate really adds to the lamp.  This is black pipe with a base of old pallet wood, fence wood and an old machine plate.  This is substantial and fun!

14"L x 10"D x 27"H



This lamp was probably the hardest to wire.  That is because the fire hose nozzle actually runs the lamp.  If you flip the handle up, the light goes on.  Cool effect and subtly adds a lot to the lamp.  There are a couple of gauges and several sprinkler heads.  This is made from galvanized pipe with a galvanized base.  Because of the nozzle, this is one of my favorites.

7"L x9"D x 26"H


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